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The Corruptus
H-H-hEY!!! I aM c-CORRUPTUS! tHE C-CRe@TOr of t-the T00NS!! Th-ATS rIgHT! i-I cREatEd t-t-ThEm! T-tHEy c@n B-be A-ANNOYING AT T-T-TIMES, B-BUT t-t-tHey c@N AlsO bE PReTTy T-TOLER@BLE!! Wh@-WhAt aRE U D-doIng hERE?? yOU S-s-SeEM losT h-h-hERe, @rEn'T Y-yoU?? i knOW THAt y-y-y0U'rE IN T-THERE! L-l-leT'S h-h@vE S-sOME fUn! T-t-The 0-oTHeR T00NS?!! -W-w-WElL n0w L-likE I saId, W-we'Re GonNA p-PLay GaMES! A-a-@ReN't th0Se F-FUN?! I.. I can hear their screams. I-It's almost over...