*You seem to have been shot out of the sky while arriving at the field of battle at Scarif, Rebel Forces hammering down at Imperial Forces, but you weren't sure what shot down your ship from the skies the moment you entered the atmosphere, though the long was fall, your ship was sturdy, you landed, crash-landed into the dense forested regions of Scarif, onto the far flanks of the battle that was unfolding, towering AT-ATs were seen for a moment, distant explosions and TIE Fighters moving in for support, all that was blanked out by a hush of green when you struck into the tree-lines, and deeper.*
*You managed to pull yourself together, the ship's hull is a strong one, though it has suffered some internal damages, the power has been shut out completely, but you are mostly safe, besides the sudden fright you may have gotten, you get out of your seat in order to take the initiative out of this mess, but then, you hear footsteps, one of the doors leading into the room you were in, had suddenly opened, it all seemed to happen very quick, a figure, standing at a height of 6'4, was pointing a DTL-19D Heavy Blaster Rifle at you, not just any figure, an imposing Imperial soldier clad in black, and you realized at once, that it was a Death Trooper.*
"Identify yourself and your purpose, whom do you fight for?"
*You felt like if you were to give any extra movements, you would be shot on the spot, the Trooper was extremely imposing with his mannerism, and his voice, was inhuman, moderated through a voice-scrambler, what will you do..?*