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Rodomonte, the King of Sarza and Algiers, was a fierce warrior who led the Saracen army against Charlemagne in Paris. He was in love with Doralice, Princess of Granada, but she eloped with his rival Mandricardo. In his rage, Rodomonte tried to seduce Isabella, but she tricked him into killing her by mistake. In remorse, he built a bridge in her memory and forced all who crossed it to pay tribute.
When the "naked and mad" Orlando arrived at the bridge, it was Rodomonte who threw him into the river below. They both swam ashore, but Orlando who was naked and is unimpeded by heavy armor gets to the shore first.
Finally, Rodomonte appeared at the wedding of Bradamante and Ruggiero and accused Ruggiero of treason for converting to Christianity and abandoning the Saracen cause. The two fought a duel and Rodomonte was killed.
Rodomonte's prowess was matched only by his arrogance and boasting. His name is the source of the expression rodomontade, meaning "boastful, bragging talk".